The Best and Worst Time to Have Surgery

Surgery is a major decision that has many different variables. Most people who have a surgery or procedure scheduled for their health may be wondering if there is an ideal time to prepare for it. If you're planning on organizing a surgery soon, consider a few things before deciding on the best time. We've got a full breakdown for you to consider. 

Time of Day Matters

When considering the time of day to schedule your surgery, it's often recommended that anytime between 9 AM and noon work best. Bright and early allows every party to feel ready, and it's best to get it done sooner rather than later. This way, you'll have all day to recover. 

Consider the Season

Of course, if it's a serious and immediate surgical procedure, it won't be easy to plan it for a specific season. However, consider the time of year for more minor surgeries that you and your doctor can plan out months in advance. 

Many people want to schedule their surgery during the summer months, but there are a few things to consider if you're regarding this option. First of all, you will need plenty of vacation days from work to recover appropriately without stressing about deadlines or other commitments at work. Additionally, it may not be easy for any parents to find a babysitter since kids are not in school. 

Some people believe it's best to schedule procedures during summertime when doctors and hospitals tend to have more free time. Still, others feel that winter months are better because they offer more extended hours and fewer distractions — this is up to your personal preference and the severity of your surgery timeline. 

Day of the Week

It's often considered that the best time to have surgery is typically a weekday during the day. There are a few reasons for this: 

  • First, doctors may be more available and less busy during the weekdays. 

  • Second, while many people might have work, it can ensure they won't miss their scheduled procedures due to important events or things popping up on weekends or holidays. 

  • Third, patients can get back into their normal routine faster after surgery because they can spend some time at home recovering on the weekend before returning to work! 

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