Signs You're Not Drinking Enough Water


Many people don't drink enough water, and the reasons vary. Some are just busy or forgetful, while others think they're healthy, so they don't need to worry about it. But in reality, we all should be paying attention to our H2O intake for several reasons. 

We may find ourselves in less frequent contact with cold liquids as we head into warmer weather. Unfortunately, this can lead to dehydration, which can have severe consequences on our health. So, here are the top signs that you might not be drinking enough water to stay happy and healthy. 

Urine Color

The best way to tell if you're drinking enough water is by checking the color of your urine. Often, if you find yourself not drinking enough fluids, your kidneys will try to save as much water as possible, resulting in your urine is darker in color. If it's dark yellow, you are dehydrated and need more fluids. 

Dizziness and Headaches

Many find that one of the most common signs of dehydration includes dizziness and headaches. Unfortunately, even mild dehydration can lead to these symptoms, with remedies being to drink more water, take medicine, and rest. Luckily, the more H2O you drink, the easier to avoid these painful and uncomfortable symptoms. 

Dry Mouth and Increased Thirst

Think of these symptoms as your body essentially begging you to stay more hydrated. However, it's important to mention that feeling thirsty isn't always a sign of dehydration — since it's a natural indicator of your body looking to stay hydrated and healthy. But, accompanied by dry mouth and the other issues above, then know it's time to alleviate your thirst as soon as possible. 

Health Issues

While the problems mentioned above might not seem like a big deal, other, more serious health conditions can stem from dehydration. Many people run into moderate to severe issues, including dry skin, low blood pressure, and kidney troubles. Not just that, but accompanied by the hot weather, you could experience heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heatstroke, or the risk of fainting. 

Water is vital for survival and maintaining healthy bodily functions and processes. Overall, the average person is recommended to drink eight glasses of water a day. You can add to your daily intake by drinking other beverages such as milk or tea.



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